Results for Tag #soundsystem

Event Preview: Sounds of Huddersfield

SST is very happy to preview Sound System Culture Mini Festival, a live screening programme and street party in Huddersfield, UK, on Sunday 15th September, details here. There’re several reasons for why we’re so pleased to be associated with Let’s Go Yorkshire for this event. One is simply that it is a little-known fact that […]

  • Posted on 4 September 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Sonic Standardisation

The bespoke, hand-made speaker box is an iconic feature of reggae sound systems. Since the scoop bass bin replaced the quad speaker box in the 1960s there has been comparatively little change in speaker box design. Amplifying however, has gone through several technological revolutions from valves in the early days to the highly efficient and […]

  • Posted on 19 July 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Sonic street technologies’ relationship with music is organic and two-folded. The music can go from the street sessions and the house parties to the charts, and back again. The case of lovers’ rock is particularly representative. A homegrown British subgenre of reggae infused with soulful melodies and romantic lyrics, since the mid-1970s lovers’ rock found […]

  • Posted on 23 May 2024
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Sound system in CDMX. From Concept to Practice

The global scope of our project allows us to compare different types of sonic street technologies and their scenes. This week’s blog reports on the ongoing SST Mexico research, mapping out the current spread of reggae sound systems in in Mexico City and its relationship with the pre-existing sonidera scene. This home-grown Mexican sonic street […]

  • Posted on 10 May 2024
  • by Guest Author
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This week’s blog continues the series on the intergenerational dimension of sound system culture in the UK by guest author Becca Leathlean. After writing on her own journey in reggae, from being a solitary record collector to selectress and broadcaster in this previous blog, it’s now the turn of the older generation to give their perspective on the current state of […]

  • Posted on 9 April 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Sound System Event and Workshop in Darwin, Australia

With SST researchers working in and with local scenes, it’s a pleasure to highlight some of the ongoing activities – namely the Knock-em Down Sound System programme. Part of the SST Australia’s work this offers a public programme as well as providing an opportunity for research.  Andrew Belletty is leading the Knock-em Down Sound System […]

  • Posted on 26 March 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Three outernational perspectives on Dub Camp 2023 

As a research project focused on popular music and culture it is our duty to reach out to the scene where this is, being it a small street dance or a massive international festival. The latter was the case when SST France team members Dr Jean-Christophe Sevin and Maria Emilia Escamilla travelled to Dub Camp festival last […]

  • Posted on 20 March 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Feeling the Sound: The 8th Global Reggae Conference 

   The long term objective of the SST project is to establish sonic street technologies as an area of study. Therefore, having students and younger scholars getting involved is very important. We are pleased to welcome to the SST blog PhD candidate and sound system practitioner Giovanni Mugnaina from UNIBO (Italy) to report on the 8th […]

  • Posted on 4 March 2024
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SSO#10 Frames and Frequencies

Sound System Outernational (SSO) in association with Sonic Street Technologies (SST) and the 8th Global Reggae Conference proudly presents:  SSO#10 Frames and Frequencies: Films on Sound System Cultures Worldwide SSO#10 Frames and Frequencies is a one-day film festival premiering sound system films from six continents. Taking place on Thursday 15th February 2024, as a contribution to the […]

  • Posted on 8 February 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Sound System Cultures Worldwide Pt.2

The Reggae sound system diaspora  Continuing the annual report with an account of the main research activities for the SST project in 2023, this week’s blog focuses on the reggae sound system and its technological diaspora.  As a fact, whether playing dancehall, dub or revival, there are sound systems operating literally in every continent. This makes […]

  • Posted on 24 January 2024
  • by SST Team
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Sound System Cultures Worldwide Pt.1

The first 2024 blog provides the opportunity to reflect on last year’s achievements and challenges. Starting out on the SST project four years ago we were most familiar with reggae sound systems, based on team members’ research knowledge and experience as owners and MCs. We were only dimly aware of other types of sound system. Now, […]

  • Posted on 16 January 2024
  • by SST Team
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Sound System Event and discussion in Brussels

Cover image (C) Miguel Salvatore_Courtesy of Feminine Hi Fi We’re glad to announce a new SST collaboration which marks our first physical appearance in Belgium. Sound system culture: un rituel de resistance (A Ritual of Resistance) , is an upcoming event hosted by Brussels’ Cinéma Nova in partnership with Culture & Démocratie, Osmose, the Sonic […]

  • Posted on 28 November 2023
  • by SST Team
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SST and SSO at the 8th Global Reggae Conference, 2024

As our most attentive readers will already know, February 14th to 17th 2024 will see the 8th staging of the renowned Global Reggae Conference (GRC) celebrating and investigating the culture and technology of Jamaica’s most famous musical instrument – the sound system. Organized by the Institute of Caribbean Studies & Reggae Studies Unit, the GRC is an […]

  • Posted on 16 November 2023
  • by SST Team
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Jah Shaka Memorial Event

The Jah Shaka Memorial Event is scheduled for next Sunday the 22nd of October. It will provide one more chance to the UK and international sound system community to gather in honour of the late great Jah Shaka, who passed away on April 12, 2023, and whose Nine Night celebration was held at Goldsmiths.   Part […]

  • Posted on 19 October 2023
  • by SST Team
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The struggle for spaces to play

One of the most common issues for SST cultures around the world is certainly the difficulties to find spaces to play, which affects literally every scene we are researching. This is caused by a combination of reasons, including middle class disdain for street cultures, institutionalised racism against Black music, and widespread urban gentrification. As a result, anti-rave laws […]

  • Posted on 3 October 2023
  • by SST Team
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Mighty Crown’s last visit to Canada?

Dancehall music and culture have spread all over the world thanks to a dedicated infrastructure made of sound systems technologies, venues, and rituals. Among these, dub plate specials and the sound clash are two essential components. And Japanese crew Mighty Crown are one of the world-renowned ambassadors of these arts. In this week’s blog, coordinator of SST […]

  • Posted on 27 September 2023
  • by Guest Author
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SST has just published an article in the peer-reviewed journal Performance Matters entitled Jamaican Sound Systems and Knowledge Systems: Practice-Based Research (PBR) in Popular Culture. The article is authored by principal investigator Julian Henriques and senior research assistant Brian D’Aquino, and  discusses the theoretical and methodological implications of conducting practice-based research on sonic street technologies in […]

  • Posted on 22 September 2023
  • by SST Team
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Realizar investigaciones de SST literalmente en todo el mundo no es una tarea fácil. Para que el proyecto sea más manejable, hemos identificado países o regiones que albergan escenas de TSM particularmente ricas, sofisticadas, antiguas o no investigadas. Para explorar cada una de estas regiones o países, trabajamos con investigadores y profesionales locales que tienen […]

  • Posted on 7 September 2023
  • by Guest Author
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Notes on the Nuits Sonores festival in Lyon

Reggae sound systems can be found in the four corners of the world. Even more than the actual technological apparatus, it is the aesthetic and performative features of this Jamaican-born music machine that have had a durable and significant impact over popular and electronic music worldwide. In this blog, SST France team member Jean-Christophe Sevin […]

  • Posted on 11 July 2023
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Musical Youth: Young People in Reggae pt.1

The SST project has always been concerned with intergenerational knowledge transmission and exchange as this is absolutely essential for the street and popular culture to stand the test of time. We are glad to introduce a series of blogs by guest author, selectress Becca Leathlean who will report on issues such as young people involvement in reggae sound systems in […]

  • Posted on 30 June 2023
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SSO#9: Screening and Dancing at Goldsmiths

Once again SST was proud to support a successful Sound System Outernational gathering, the SSO#9 premiere screening of UK Generation 2 Generation research documentary. This was based on the SSO#8 event, UK Sound System Reasoning Session, which took place at Goldsmiths in November 2022. That full day brought together different generations of British-based sound system practitioners […]

Introducing the SST Video Archive

Bringing the practitioners’ voice to the fore, acknowledging their own understanding of what they do, and giving value to their own lived experience are important ways to ensure that the research is respectful of the grassroots scenes within which the knowledge is originated. As part of the non-extractive research ethos, filming research interviews  opens up […]

  • Posted on 3 May 2023
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Announcing SSO#9: Premiere of ‘UK Generation 2 Generation’ Film

Sound System Outernational #9: Premiere of UK Generation 2 Generation documentary film 6pm, Saturday 6th May 2023, Goldsmiths, University of London  SST is proud to support Sound System Outernational #9, to be held at Goldsmiths University, London on Saturday 6th May 2023.   SSO#9 will premiere the UK Generation 2 Generation documentary film, a compelling account […]

  • Posted on 27 April 2023
  • by SST Team
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Sketching and Skanking

by Julian Henriques  “For me Shaka was doing something different to the other DJ’s: his dancing and creative performance throughout the night. I was drawn to Shaka’s sound because of his individuality and that he didn’t isolate himself from his audience, always performing on the same floor level, as a part of the crowd. He […]

  • Posted on 20 April 2023
  • by Julian Henriques
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SST Tribute to the Late Great Jah Shaka

“It came to a time which you would have known as the black consciousness era, people like Angela Davis were going around giving speeches, Martin Luther King, George Jackson, all those people. Well, the sound, Shaka sound, developed then. Because of our history and knowing that a main part of communication and unity is to […]

  • Posted on 13 April 2023
  • by SST Team
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Rewind/Forward Exhibition in Toronto, Canada

Sonic street technologies take many forms and play many different kinds of music, but one amongst them – the reggae sound system – has travelled particularly far and wide. Historically its journey has been in the company of the Jamaican diaspora who are very well represented in Canada. As Jamaican music and culture has taken […]

  • Posted on 30 March 2023
  • by Guest Author
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Dub Camp : un festival indépendant dédié à la culture des sound systems reggae

La culture des sound systems reggae constitue l’un des principaux domaines d’intérêt du projet de recherche Sonic Street Technologies, compte tenu de sa longue histoire et de sa diffusion mondiale. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l’Europe est devenue l’un des continents les plus actifs en matière de sound systems reggae et dub, avec une […]

  • Posted on 20 March 2023
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Dub Camp: an independent festival for reggae sound system culture 

Reggae sound system culture constitutes one of the primary areas of interest for the SST research, given its longstanding history and truly global spread. In the last two decades, Europe has slowly become one of the most active continents for reggae and dub sound systems, with a new generation of practitioners putting into practice what […]

  • Posted on 10 March 2023
  • by Guest Author
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Bringing Technology to Life [Part One]

If the SST project is about just one thing, it is about bringing technology into life, as distinct from make technology more life-like or invasive. We believe that sonic street technologies are exemplary in enhancing the creative powers and potentials of off-the-shelf electronic components, as well as those lovingly repurposed and customised. In many different […]

  • Posted on 19 January 2023
  • by SST Team
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Las SST bajo el volcán: la presentación en 4s

Las SST bajo el volcán: la presentación en 4s El 08 de diciembre de este año tuve la oportunidad de acompañar al equipo de Sonic Street Technologies a la conferencia anual de 4s en Cholula, México. La ocasión sería especial no sólo porque sería la primera vez que presentaría los avances de mi trabajo de […]

  • Posted on 19 December 2022
  • by SST Team
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Vibrations between Generations: SSO #8

In the spirit of outernationalism for Sound System Outernational #8 SST asked for a report on the event we sponsored from Marcus Ramusyo Brasil, one of our Brazilian research collaborotors. This day long marathan session – from 10.30 am to 10.00 pm – was very well attended with about 150 participants, more than thirty of […]

  • Posted on 10 November 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Heavy Congress: Convergence of Sound System Tribes 

Certain SST, reggae sound systems in particular, have spread all over the world by means of physical migration, material resonance or mere imitation. In doing so, they often undergo a process of adaptation – showing how these techno-cultural apparatuses can themselves be repurposed in order to fit specific cultural, social and economic contexts that are […]

  • Posted on 2 November 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Announcing SSO#8: UK Sound System Reasoning Day

  SST is proud to support Sound System Outernational #8, to be held in London on Saturday 5th of November 2022. SSO#8 UK Sound System Reasoning Day: Continuities and Disruptions, brings together sound system operators from around the UK and across different generations. We aim to celebrate and exchange knowledge about how sound system culture and […]

  • Posted on 19 October 2022
  • by SST Team
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‘Rockers Sound Station: Tales of the Kingston Dub Club’ Debut Screenings 

One of the downsides of doing academic research on popular and street cultures is that it is quite difficult for the research outputs to reach out to those who have contributed to the research in the first place – those practitioners who have and continue to build the richness of the culture. As part of […]

  • Posted on 6 October 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Resonating Partners

By Aadita Chaudhury  Before SST takes the month of August off, we wanted to share the creative brilliance of some of our friends and collaborators. In this week’s blog, we at SST want to share with you some creative works produced by some of our collaborators and associates. We hope you enjoy the diverse musical […]

  • Posted on 27 July 2022
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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Alchemy Allstars at People’s Day

Starting back in the 1980s, Lewisham People’s Day is a family-friendly, community free festival that brings together all ages, creeds and colours to celebrate the borough’s people and their creativity, vitality and imagination through music, art and culture. After a few years of forced stop caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the event has returned to […]

  • Posted on 20 July 2022
  • by Natalie Hyacinth
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Townships Sounds: The Struggle for Survival

South Africa has an impressive reggae sound system scene, with an history spanning over four decades. Most interesting, this scene little-known even in South Africa has developed without any direct influence from Jamaica or the UK. It has always been more-or-less self-sufficient, making it an extremely rich field of research for the SST project. […]

  • Posted on 12 July 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Huddersfield: The Making of the SST Case Study

Huddersfield is a town in Yorkshire in the north of England where the Caribbean diaspora has a long-standing presence. For a brief period in the 1980s, it has unexpectedly developed into one of the key centres of sound system cultures in the UK. Our research agents in the area, Mandeep Samra and Gopal Dutta conducted […]

  • Posted on 6 July 2022
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Latent Variables Vol.2, il nuovo EP di Hylu Unit 137

Sonic Street Technologies gode del supporto da parte di diversi collaboratori e di relazioni costruite negli anni. Anche prima di SST, alcuni membri del team lavoravano assieme come Sound System Outernational, collaborando con artisti, scrittori, musicisti, professionisti e appassionati di sound system da tutto il mondo. Hylu, fondatore di Unit 137 sound system, di stanza […]

  • Posted on 24 June 2022
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Hylu, Unit 137 EP release: Latent Variables Vol. 2

Sonic Street Technologies has long enjoyed the support, shared interests and enthusiasm of many friends and collaborators over the years. Even before SST, several of the current team worked together as Sound System Outernational, collaborating with numerous artists, writers, musicians, sound operators and people passionate about sound system from all over the world.  Hylu from Unit 137 has been one […]

  • Posted on 24 June 2022
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Lewisham Sound System Trail, May 2022

The Lewisham Sound System Trail was an event organized by the Lewisham Borough of Culture 2022 comprising of four open air sound system stages, or yards, set up in the Deptford area and featuring established and up and coming sound system operators, singers and MCs from the Lewisham borough. Unit 137, one of the four […]

  • Posted on 1 June 2022
  • by SST Team
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Sound Systems and Ecosystems 

Sound system cultures have intimate histories that implicate them in global networks of ecologies, infrastructures, and multiple instances of environmental and energy justice issues. In this blog, Sonic Street Technologies Research Assistant, Aadita Chaudhury reflects on some of the ways these domains intersect and interact at the site of sound system culture’s development and practice. […]

  • Posted on 19 May 2022
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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‘Sound in’ Lewisham’ Sound System Masterclass, April 2022

  SST’s commitment to researching and supporting sound system culture comes to nothing unless we take some care of its future with the younger generation. Another commitment the project has besides work globally – is not to forget our local community in Lewisham where the project is based at Goldsmiths, University of London. These two […]

  • Posted on 22 April 2022
  • by Natalie Hyacinth
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Jack Sowah’s Dancehall Archive: A Legacy of Videography, Spectacle and Culture

Every culture needs adequate archiving of spaces and practices unique to that culture, whether through […]

  • Posted on 12 April 2022
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First Monkey Sound System Dance

In a previous post, Dakta Dub and Roy Dipankar of Bass Sanskriti wrote about the inception of their new Monkey Sound System. In this post, Dakta Dub, with inputs from Roy Dipankar, takes us through the idiosyncrasies of Indian bureaucracy and cultural spheres that they navigated prior to their sound system launch, and lessons to take […]

  • Posted on 5 April 2022
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Jamaican Sound System Professionals Reasoning Session

Held in Kingston Jamaica on Sunday the 20th of February 2022, ‘Sounds of the Future’ has been a research event bringing together professionals from the sound system scene to discuss the current state of the industry in Jamaica. The one-day event […]

  • Posted on 23 March 2022
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Dance A Yard Before You Dance Abroad

‘Dance a yard before you dance abroad’ refers to the notion of conquering your own territory before trying to conquer someone else’s. It’s a term heard in the lyrics of reggae songs, a DJ’s diss to another, or a demeaning phrase (cuss) used to put someone in their place. Basically, know yourself! However, the essence of […]

  • Posted on 15 March 2022
  • by Guest Author
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How Jamaica’s Sound System Industry Organised Itself

Over the years, certain SST cultures may grow to a level which the very same practitioners wouldn’t have ever expected. This is certainly the case for the Jamaican sound system: a globally spread, massively celebrated and widely inspiring culture – but also a local industry, which employs hundreds of professionals in different roles who together […]

  • Posted on 22 February 2022
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Jamaica is Where Sound Systems Begin: Enter Hedley Jones

There are so many ways in which legacies get overlooked in a world where the concept of the ‘archive’ is often read as static and lifeless. In this post, we seek to breathe life into the legacy of Hedley Jones whose contribution to Jamaican music has enabled not only technological shifts but collaborations to further […]

  • Posted on 9 February 2022
  • by Guest Author
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The Sonic Logos [SST Research 4.0]

Continuing the series  drafting the theoretical basis of SST Research (see pt. 1, pt. 2, and pt. 3), this blog considers the difference sound makes. It develops the idea of thinking knowledge through sounding – rather than image or text as the conventional metaphors for epistemic knowledge – is a fruitful way of revealing the […]

  • Posted on 2 February 2022
  • by Julian Henriques
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Mapeando a Cultura do Sound System Brasileiro

O Brasil pode reivendicar umas das mais ricas e diversificadas cenas e culturas do SST do mundo. É sobre isso que os nossos projetos planejm pesquisar, em profundidade e em detalhe. Por isso, temos o prazer de publicar, como primeira amostra do que está vindo, esta entrevista com a Dani Pimenta, co-fundadora do coletivo Feminine […]

  • Posted on 26 January 2022
  • by SST Team
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Mapping the Brazilian Sound System Culture

Brazil can lay claim to possibly the richest and most diverse SST scenes and cultures anywhere in the world. Our projects plans to research this is depth and detail. So we are very pleased to publish this interview with Dani Pimenta, co-founder of the Feminine Hi-Fi collective as well as the Mapa Sound System Brazil […]

  • Posted on 26 January 2022
  • by SST Team
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Birth of a New Sonic Body in Hyderabad, India

As a global research project, the SST blog is very pleased to report on emerging sound systems and other SST around the world. This is especially the case in countries where sound system culture is not yet well established – there are very few operating in India. Monkey Sound System intended to have its birthday […]

  • Posted on 6 January 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Reflections on ‘In A Vanguard Style: A Documentary on Iration Steppas’

Intergenerational links in the SST scenes and the archiving of the culture by practitioners are two areas of pivotal interest for the SST research. Both themes reverberate strongly in the movie ‘In A Vanguard Style: A Documentary on Iration Steppas’, currently being premiered around the world before the official launch in February 2022. The story […]

  • Posted on 14 December 2021
  • by Guest Author
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Listening to Distant Drums. Interview with Steve Vibronics

Distant Drums is a mixed-media art installation designed and produced by Whispered Tales. It combines digital animation, music and dance to tell the story of Reggae sound system culture and the importance of music in the fight for racial equality and justice. Distant Drums impressively plays with the different elements which make a sound system […]

  • Posted on 23 November 2021
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Archiving the Culture. Interview with SoundMag

As researchers deeply invested in the popular culture of sound systems and other SST, we are well-aware that these are ongoing scenes established long before we arrived.  Each specific SST operates within an existing ecology, that has developed usually across decades and below the radar of official or academic recognition. The knowledge that is produced […]

  • Posted on 9 November 2021
  • by SST Team
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Introduction to Sound System Culture in Melbourne

The history of sound system culture in Melbourne (and indeed Australia), is rich and diverse, yet on a continent largely dominated by rock music it has received little attention from the media or scholars [1].  Meanwhile, over the last decade more than a dozen sound systems have been built in Melbourne alone, a city of 5 million inhabitants which has prided itself […]

  • Posted on 25 October 2021
  • by Guest Author
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SST Visual Cultures. Trends Observed Thus Far

This article is the second part of an ongoing series on Instagram-based ethnographies investigating the visual cultural, textual, and affective norms of sonic street technologies globally.  The previous post we explored some of the ways that we are using Instagram as a site to conduct ethnographic research. This week we are looking at some of the trends we have observed thus far in our visual […]

  • Posted on 27 September 2021
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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The Visual Culture of SST on Social Media

This article is part on an ongoing series on Instagram-based ethnographies investigating the visual cultural, textual and affective norms of sonic street technologies globally.   Sound system cultures are multifaceted, diverse, and multi-sited phenomena that call for robust and eclectic methodological and theoretical orientations. Instagram-based research of its visual cultures was developed in response to […]

  • Posted on 20 September 2021
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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Lost in Transition. When SST Go Digital

In the meantime, practitioners and punters have found in social media and streaming platforms a way to cope with restrictions, keep in touch with sonic comrades, and find relief from the harshness of an uncertain present by virtually gathering in the covid-free space of the world wide web. But what exactly happens when a street-based sonic culture is abruptly forced to jump with both feet into the digital space? […]

  • Posted on 14 September 2021
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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