Lemos, R., et al. 2008. Tecnobrega: o Pará reinventando o negócio da música. Aeroplano Editora

EN: This publication examines the Tecnobrega cultural scene, emphasizing the importance of innovative commercial strategies for establishing sustainable and enduring economic pathways, especially in the face of a crisis in copyright legislation. This book is the outcome of studies conducted under the Open Business Models – Latin America project. PT: Este livro é fruto de […]


  EN: The Area 91 Project is a fictional investigative essay about alien spaceships that become a musical attraction for thousands of aficionados in Belém do Pará. The series of photographs presents a cross-section that identifies elements of the aesthetics of science fiction films in aparelhagens parties. The title, ‘Area 91’, refers to Belém’s postcode, […]

Barros, Lydia. 2010. “Tecnobrega, entre o apagamento e o culto”. Contemporanea, 12, PP. 62 – 89

EN: This article examines the valorization processes within tecnobrega, emphasizing its progressive approach in the production and dissemination network it activates. Simultaneously, it addresses the conflict arising from the rise of this music style clashing with Brazil’s established social hierarchies in music taste, a conflict that’s portrayed ambiguously in cultural criticism. The article argues that the reception of […]

Bahia, M. 2015. “The Periphery Rises: Technology and Cultural Legitimization in Belém’s Tecnobrega”. Journal of Lusophone Studies, 13, PP. 33-54.

EN: This article centers on the tecnobrega music scene, providing a historical overview of its development. It delves into the adoption of technology within tecnobrega and its significance in the ongoing process of cultural legitimization of the rhythm. Additionally, it examines a specific case of collaboration between the mass media and the academia, showcasing its […]

Lima, Andrey Faro de. 2014. “Construindo Fronteiras Sonoras Entre o Pará e o Caribe: das ondas tropicais aos intercâmbios portuários”. 29a Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia, Natal

EN: The paper analyses the connection between Caribbean music and Pará music, exploring the evocative narratives and tales that underpin this connection. The author contends that understanding this phenomenon requires examining specific and verifiable circumstances, such as Brazil’s geographical and political factors. These include the influence of radio, the region’s colonial history, and port activity. […]

Amaral, Paulo Murilo Guerreiro. 2009. Estigma e cosmopolitismo na constituição de uma música popular urbana de periferia. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

EN: This dissertation presents an ethnographic study on the production of tecnobrega, an electronic music genre originating in the outskirts of Belém, and deemed aesthetically “tasteless.” The text explores the notion of ‘stigma’ as a form of resistance in musical production. The author argues that, by making aesthetic choices that combine local sounds with a cosmopolitan […]


EN: This PhD dissertation focuses on the brega scene in Belém do Pará. A thorough analysis encompasses the various roles involved in the making of this music scene. These include sound technicians, singers, musicians, fan clubs, and aparelhagens owners. The work provides an analysis of the historical evolution of the so-called ‘brega circuit’, from the bolero […]


EN: This ethnography of aparelhagem parties in Belém/PA focuses on the crowd. The work aims to analyze the relationships that party-goers establish with each other, the sound and the performance, the equipment and the city, by understanding the environment where they live and where the parties take place. To this end, the research establishes a […]

Brega S/A By Vladimir Cunha and Gustavo Godinho (BR, 2009, 59min)

EN: ‘Brega S/A’ is a documentary exploring the contemporary music scene in Belém do Pará, a city located in the Brazilian Amazon. The film vividly portrays how artists and individuals from the city’s outskirts craft and disseminate a high-energy electronic music style called tecnobrega. It also shows how this scene operates beyond the conventional pathways of […]

Hoje Estamos Aqui: Breve História de um Sound System Amazônico [Today We Are Here] by Darien Lamen (EUA/BR, 2021, 20min)

PT: Milton Almeida do Nascimento foi um dos pioneiros na construção da aparelhagem, um tipo de sistema de som e marca icônica na música amazônica. Seus filhos contam sua história e como lutam para preservar sua memória. EN: Milton Almeida do Nascimento was one of the pioneers in the construction of the Aparelhagem, a sound […]

Galera da Lage ou Gravando um disco de tecnobrega by Companhia Amazônica de Filmes (BR, 2013, 10’)

EN: This mini-documentary follows singer Gaby Amarantos and Maderito, together with Waldo Squash, recording in a professional studio in Belém do Pará for the first time. The recording session leads to the single “Galera da Laje”, an anthem within the tecnobrega scene, included in Gaby Amarantos’ first solo album, “Treme”. PT: O mini documentário mostra […]

Tecnobrega: Cultura jovem periférica by Gilmara Menezes e Paulo Paixão (BR, 2010, 9’)

EN: The mini-documentary shows how young people from outskirts communities in Belém do Pará have created an alternative leisure culture by dancing to tecnobrega, using the fan club as a way of bringing people together and also generating income for the community. PT: O mini documentário mostra como jovens de comunidades perifericas de Belém do […]


EN: Zek Picoteiro, DJ and researcher of brega and tecnobrega, curates a workshop detailing the history of Paraense brega and tecnobrega from the 90s to the 2020s. The session includes a guided DJ setlist accompanied by visual projections showcasing the Aparelhagens scene created by VJ Kauê Lima. PT: Zek Picoteiro Dj e pesquisador de brega […]

GG Albuquerque. 2022. Música negra do Brasil: #7 Tecnologias do beat (PODCAST)

EN: During the early 2000s, the emergence of new digital technologies such as music production software revolutionized the global music scene. In Brazil, artists from the peripheral popular music scenes similarly embraced these new tools, creatively subverting them to forge innovative methods of musical creation and sonic exploration. PT: No início dos anos 2000, novas […]

Amarantos, Gaby, and Maderito, Marcos. 2021. Celeste: #2 É tempo de festa (PODCAST)

EN: Brazilian singer Gaby Amarantos discusses the aesthetic phenomenon that began with Pará’s sound system structures. The episode features talks from DJ Gilmar Santos, from aparelhagem Rubi, and Dinho, from aparelhagem Tupinambá Treme Terra, as well as a conversation with Marcos Maderito, from the music group Gang do Eletro, and Rio de Janeiro artist Thales […]

José Leandro, Pavulagem. 2020. Pavulagem #4: Brega, Tecnobrega e Melody (PODCAST)

EN: Professor and historian José Leandro is the guest speaker on the fourth episode of the Pavulagem podcast, from Amapá, Brazil. In this episode, the conversation ranges from the origins of brega, as both a concept and music genres, to tecnobrega and other more contemporary evolutions. PT: O professor e historiador paraense José Leandro é […]

Pinheiro, R., & Agência PLANO. 2017. Conheça João do Som, o arquiteto de aparelhagens do Pará. Vice Brasil.

EN: João Do Som is one of the most important people in the development and execution of sound system projects in Belém. In this article, João tells his life story, presents his workshop and the different projects he has developed. PT: João do Som é umas das pessoas referencia na construção de Aparelhagens em Belém […]

Albuquerque, GG. 2022. Por uma história da música eletrônica popular brasileira. O Volume Morto (BLOG).

EN: The article published on the blog O Volume Morto points out the relationship between electronic music and the different peripheries of Brazil. Spread throughout the country as a culture of the elite and dominated by whiteness, electronic music is usually a space of discrimination against Black people and people from the periphery. The aim […]


EN: Blog with a large collection of music from Pará. PT: Página virtual que funciona como acervo de música paraense. Language: Portuguese Link to MúsicaParaense.Org

Só Saudade (Social Media Channel)

EN: TikTok account dedicated to promoting old brega and technobrega songs from Pará. PT: Página virtual TikTok dedicada divulgar músicas antigas de brega e tecnobrega paraenses. Language: Portuguese Link to Só saudade’s Creator Profile

Aparelhagenss (Social Media Profile)

EN: Virtual page dedicated to Aparelhagem’s culture, with content about parties, DJs, artists, singers, and car sound systems. PT: Página virtual dedicada a Cultura de Aparelhagem, com conteúdo sobre festas, DJs, artistas, cantores e sons automotivos. Language: Portuguese Link to Mídia das Aparelhagens’s Creator Profile

Aparelhagem das Antigas (Social Media Channel)

EN: Instagram page dedicated to Aparelhagem’s culture, with content about parties, DJs, artists, singers and car sound systems. PT: Página Instagram dedicada a cultura de aparelhagem, com conteúdo sobre festas, DJs, artistas, cantores e sons automotivos. Language: Portuguese Username: @aparelhagemdasantigas Link to Instagram