Put your SST on the Map!
The Sonic Map aims to provide an extensive coverage of different type of sound systems operating across the globe. It focuses on the three main elements which make an SST: the sound technologies employed, the crew which operates them, and the environment in which they operate. It aims to give exposure to the diverse but equally vibrant street sonic cultures, allow comparison between different SST, foster mutual recognition and cross-fertilisation between practitioners and aficionados from different backgrounds, and provide fellow researchers and academic institutions with a glimpse of what is currently happening out on the streets.
The Sonic Map is an open-project which relies on the crucial collaboration of the SST communities involved. If you know, own or operate an SST which is not currently listed on the map, or if you notice some amendments needed in an existing entry, please contribute!
Launched in September 2022 and more than one year on the making, the Sonic Map will initially focus mainly on reggae sound systems, but as the project progresses will also include all other kinds of SST, such as Brazilian radiolas, Mexican sonidos and Colombian picos as per the project’s research brief.
Offer a Blog Post
The SST Blog hosts short, easily accessible and engaging pieces such as news, updates and research notes from the SST research project as well as the wider SST world. We can publish updates on ongoing research, events, announcements, book reviews, new organization profiles, or newspaper-style articles. The blog is open to researchers, journalists, curators, independent media, academic and cultural institutions in the wider SST world. Also, we particularly welcome contributions from practitioners who may want to share personal memories or put specific issues under spotlight. Blog posts can be between 1000 to 2000 words and include at least two pictures free of copyright.
To contribute with a blog post, please fill the form!
Suggest a research Case Study
Case Studies are the spine of the SST research project. We are looking to commission experienced researchers / curators / writers to contribute a Case Study to the SST research project. Each Research Agent will be responsible for conducting an in-depth investigation on a local sound system or SST scene, under the supervision of the UK-based SST team. The Research Agent/s will be expected to have an existing network of contacts with practitioners and other entities in the field, and a commitment to capacity building and a collaborative, non-extractive research methods. The Case Study will require doing quantitative and qualitative research; arranging, leading and coordinating a documentation process; and drafting a written research report.
If you think you can contribute with a Case Study, please download the Research Agent Commission Brief here and make us a proposal.
Contribute with a Photo Essay
At SST we really value the visual side of the culture as a complement to text-based content. For aim to support independent or amateur photographers who have documented a particular SST scene for years, usually as a labour of love. We are particularly interested in:
• Details on SST equipment or elements of a SST scene eg. cooking pots, costume details, practitioners at work but NOT portraits nor iconic pictures of a particular SST. These will be used across the SST website.
• A photo essay which does precisely feature a particular person, event, scene or SST. 10 to 15 pictures, each accompanied by a 100-150 words short text, providing background information on the featured person or scene, and building a narrative for the whole photo essay. This will be used for a blog post.
If you think you are able to offer a photo essay please get in touch by using the form. We can offer a small fee to be granted the right to use the images for non-exclusive, non-commercial purpose (SST website or academic articles). The author’s name will be always credited and he/she will retain full copyright.
Do you want to contribute to Sonic Street Technologies?
Please fill the form and send us you blog posts, suggestions of research Case Studies, contribution with photo Set or Essays. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible!