Results for Tag #practice-as-research

Sonic Standardisation

The bespoke, hand-made speaker box is an iconic feature of reggae sound systems. Since the scoop bass bin replaced the quad speaker box in the 1960s there has been comparatively little change in speaker box design. Amplifying however, has gone through several technological revolutions from valves in the early days to the highly efficient and […]

  • Posted on 19 July 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Researching with Purpose in Urabá, Colombia pt.3

Besides screening our films for participants, touring them within the country is also a valuable part of the research process. From an international perspective Columbia or Brazil might appear as a single nation, but of course they are made up of different states, each with their own geographies, climates and music cultures. Great distances and […]

  • Posted on 4 July 2024
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Investigando con proposito en Urabá, Colombia 1

Una rama importante de la investigación de SST en Colombia se concentra en Urabá, en el noroeste del país. Desde el 2021, el colectivo Urabá Sound System está luchando por el reconocimiento del picó (el sistema de sonido autóctono del Caribe colombiano) como una herramienta comunitaria poderosa para fomenter la cohesión social, facilitando el proceso […]

  • Posted on 5 June 2024
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Funk: um grito de ousadia e liberdade

A exposição Funk: um grito de ousadia e liberdade visa contextualizar e celebrar a importância do funk brasileiro na história da cultura do Rio de Janeiro e no restante do país, por meio de 900 obras de mais de 100 artistas, a maioria deles ligados às comunidades onde se produz, se toca e se dança […]

  • Posted on 29 April 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Brazilian Funk: A Cry of Boldness and Freedom

Funk: um grito de ousadia e liberdade (‘a cry of boldness and freedom’) exhibition aims to contextualize and celebrate the importance of Brazilian funk in the history of culture in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil at large. The exhibition amounts to 900 pieces of works produced by more than 100 artists, most of them linked […]

  • Posted on 25 April 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Sound System Event and Workshop in Darwin, Australia

With SST researchers working in and with local scenes, it’s a pleasure to highlight some of the ongoing activities – namely the Knock-em Down Sound System programme. Part of the SST Australia’s work this offers a public programme as well as providing an opportunity for research.  Andrew Belletty is leading the Knock-em Down Sound System […]

  • Posted on 26 March 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Three outernational perspectives on Dub Camp 2023 

As a research project focused on popular music and culture it is our duty to reach out to the scene where this is, being it a small street dance or a massive international festival. The latter was the case when SST France team members Dr Jean-Christophe Sevin and Maria Emilia Escamilla travelled to Dub Camp festival last […]

  • Posted on 20 March 2024
  • by Guest Author
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SST Global Gathering and Film Screenings 

The 8th Global Reggae Conference provided two major opportunities for the project. One was to share our work, with members from the global SST team presenting papers across many of the conference panels. A major feature of this sharing of research results was the entire day of SSO#10 Frames and Frequencies film festival with no […]

  • Posted on 13 March 2024
  • by SST Team
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Feeling the Sound: The 8th Global Reggae Conference 

   The long term objective of the SST project is to establish sonic street technologies as an area of study. Therefore, having students and younger scholars getting involved is very important. We are pleased to welcome to the SST blog PhD candidate and sound system practitioner Giovanni Mugnaina from UNIBO (Italy) to report on the 8th […]

  • Posted on 4 March 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Sound System Cultures Worldwide Pt.1

The first 2024 blog provides the opportunity to reflect on last year’s achievements and challenges. Starting out on the SST project four years ago we were most familiar with reggae sound systems, based on team members’ research knowledge and experience as owners and MCs. We were only dimly aware of other types of sound system. Now, […]

  • Posted on 16 January 2024
  • by SST Team
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Sound System Event and discussion in Brussels

Cover image (C) Miguel Salvatore_Courtesy of Feminine Hi Fi We’re glad to announce a new SST collaboration which marks our first physical appearance in Belgium. Sound system culture: un rituel de resistance (A Ritual of Resistance) , is an upcoming event hosted by Brussels’ Cinéma Nova in partnership with Culture & Démocratie, Osmose, the Sonic […]

  • Posted on 28 November 2023
  • by SST Team
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SST and SSO at the 8th Global Reggae Conference, 2024

As our most attentive readers will already know, February 14th to 17th 2024 will see the 8th staging of the renowned Global Reggae Conference (GRC) celebrating and investigating the culture and technology of Jamaica’s most famous musical instrument – the sound system. Organized by the Institute of Caribbean Studies & Reggae Studies Unit, the GRC is an […]

  • Posted on 16 November 2023
  • by SST Team
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Jah Shaka Memorial Event

The Jah Shaka Memorial Event is scheduled for next Sunday the 22nd of October. It will provide one more chance to the UK and international sound system community to gather in honour of the late great Jah Shaka, who passed away on April 12, 2023, and whose Nine Night celebration was held at Goldsmiths.   Part […]

  • Posted on 19 October 2023
  • by SST Team
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The struggle for spaces to play

One of the most common issues for SST cultures around the world is certainly the difficulties to find spaces to play, which affects literally every scene we are researching. This is caused by a combination of reasons, including middle class disdain for street cultures, institutionalised racism against Black music, and widespread urban gentrification. As a result, anti-rave laws […]

  • Posted on 3 October 2023
  • by SST Team
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SST has just published an article in the peer-reviewed journal Performance Matters entitled Jamaican Sound Systems and Knowledge Systems: Practice-Based Research (PBR) in Popular Culture. The article is authored by principal investigator Julian Henriques and senior research assistant Brian D’Aquino, and  discusses the theoretical and methodological implications of conducting practice-based research on sonic street technologies in […]

  • Posted on 22 September 2023
  • by SST Team
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SSO#9: Screening and Dancing at Goldsmiths

Once again SST was proud to support a successful Sound System Outernational gathering, the SSO#9 premiere screening of UK Generation 2 Generation research documentary. This was based on the SSO#8 event, UK Sound System Reasoning Session, which took place at Goldsmiths in November 2022. That full day brought together different generations of British-based sound system practitioners […]

Announcing SSO#9: Premiere of ‘UK Generation 2 Generation’ Film

Sound System Outernational #9: Premiere of UK Generation 2 Generation documentary film 6pm, Saturday 6th May 2023, Goldsmiths, University of London  SST is proud to support Sound System Outernational #9, to be held at Goldsmiths University, London on Saturday 6th May 2023.   SSO#9 will premiere the UK Generation 2 Generation documentary film, a compelling account […]

  • Posted on 27 April 2023
  • by SST Team
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Bringing Technology to Life [Part Two]

Continuing the recap of our 2022 activities, this week we’re going to focus on our research methodology. The three SST principles of collaboration, respect and recognition, and sharing findings described in Part One of this blog have both informed and been informed by our working research methods. These are both quantitative and global in the […]

  • Posted on 26 January 2023
  • by SST Team
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Bringing Technology to Life [Part One]

If the SST project is about just one thing, it is about bringing technology into life, as distinct from make technology more life-like or invasive. We believe that sonic street technologies are exemplary in enhancing the creative powers and potentials of off-the-shelf electronic components, as well as those lovingly repurposed and customised. In many different […]

  • Posted on 19 January 2023
  • by SST Team
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Las SST bajo el volcán: la presentación en 4s

Las SST bajo el volcán: la presentación en 4s El 08 de diciembre de este año tuve la oportunidad de acompañar al equipo de Sonic Street Technologies a la conferencia anual de 4s en Cholula, México. La ocasión sería especial no sólo porque sería la primera vez que presentaría los avances de mi trabajo de […]

  • Posted on 19 December 2022
  • by SST Team
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SST at the 4S Conference in Cholula, Mexico

By Aadita Chaudhury This last week, the Sonic Street Technologies team headed to Cholula, Mexico to be part of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference at Cholula, Mexico. Each year, the 4S conference brings together researchers, practitioners and students of the discipline of science and technology studies, and configures and examines new […]

  • Posted on 11 December 2022
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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Playing with Purpose in the Port District of Turbo

This blog is the second iteration in a series of photo essays documenting the ongoing activities carried out by local forces in the Colombian region of Urabà with the purpose of preserving, nurturing and enhancing the local picotera culture which has been heavily affected by structural violence and government repression. […]

  • Posted on 1 December 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Vibrations between Generations: SSO #8

In the spirit of outernationalism for Sound System Outernational #8 SST asked for a report on the event we sponsored from Marcus Ramusyo Brasil, one of our Brazilian research collaborotors. This day long marathan session – from 10.30 am to 10.00 pm – was very well attended with about 150 participants, more than thirty of […]

  • Posted on 10 November 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Music Scenes and the SST Archive

Researching the dynamic living music scenes that surround SST presents certain challenges. Not least amongst these is that the material we gather is most often oral, or social media posts, rather formal written records, let alone statistics. With SST this is always with the consent and participation of the professionals and aficionados of these scenes. […]

  • Posted on 26 October 2022
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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SST Video Archivist Commission 

At SST we always experiment with ways to make our research more accessible and wide-reaching. When doing fieldwork alongside sound systems and other sonic street technologies professionals we come in contact with an astonishing body of knowledge and practices embodied in the life stories of fiercely creative people who are virtually unknown out of their […]

  • Posted on 11 October 2022
  • by Guest Author
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SST in the world of podcasts

Here at SST, we are always searching for the ways that sound system cultures and their impact becomes more noticed throughout the wider culture and other media platforms. For many of us, the SST project has been a portal into a whole world of musical expressions that were previously unfamiliar to us. As someone whose […]

  • Posted on 28 September 2022
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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Resonating Partners

By Aadita Chaudhury  Before SST takes the month of August off, we wanted to share the creative brilliance of some of our friends and collaborators. In this week’s blog, we at SST want to share with you some creative works produced by some of our collaborators and associates. We hope you enjoy the diverse musical […]

  • Posted on 27 July 2022
  • by Aadita Chaudhury
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Alchemy Allstars at People’s Day

Starting back in the 1980s, Lewisham People’s Day is a family-friendly, community free festival that brings together all ages, creeds and colours to celebrate the borough’s people and their creativity, vitality and imagination through music, art and culture. After a few years of forced stop caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the event has returned to […]

  • Posted on 20 July 2022
  • by Natalie Hyacinth
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Latent Variables Vol.2, il nuovo EP di Hylu Unit 137

Sonic Street Technologies gode del supporto da parte di diversi collaboratori e di relazioni costruite negli anni. Anche prima di SST, alcuni membri del team lavoravano assieme come Sound System Outernational, collaborando con artisti, scrittori, musicisti, professionisti e appassionati di sound system da tutto il mondo. Hylu, fondatore di Unit 137 sound system, di stanza […]

  • Posted on 24 June 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Hylu, Unit 137 EP release: Latent Variables Vol. 2

Sonic Street Technologies has long enjoyed the support, shared interests and enthusiasm of many friends and collaborators over the years. Even before SST, several of the current team worked together as Sound System Outernational, collaborating with numerous artists, writers, musicians, sound operators and people passionate about sound system from all over the world.  Hylu from Unit 137 has been one […]

  • Posted on 24 June 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Exploring Research Relationships

  SST hosted a research network meeting on Friday 6th May 2022 called Relationalities of Research. We invited research colleagues that are part of the SST network to share and explore our relationships as practitioners and researchers to our fields of enquiry and participants. We choose this topic, Relationalities of Research, as a common theme […]

  • Posted on 11 May 2022
  • by Natalie Hyacinth
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‘Sound in’ Lewisham’ Sound System Masterclass, April 2022

  SST’s commitment to researching and supporting sound system culture comes to nothing unless we take some care of its future with the younger generation. Another commitment the project has besides work globally – is not to forget our local community in Lewisham where the project is based at Goldsmiths, University of London. These two […]

  • Posted on 22 April 2022
  • by Natalie Hyacinth
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First Monkey Sound System Dance

In a previous post, Dakta Dub and Roy Dipankar of Bass Sanskriti wrote about the inception of their new Monkey Sound System. In this post, Dakta Dub, with inputs from Roy Dipankar, takes us through the idiosyncrasies of Indian bureaucracy and cultural spheres that they navigated prior to their sound system launch, and lessons to take […]

  • Posted on 5 April 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Jamaican Sound System Professionals Reasoning Session

Held in Kingston Jamaica on Sunday the 20th of February 2022, ‘Sounds of the Future’ has been a research event bringing together professionals from the sound system scene to discuss the current state of the industry in Jamaica. The one-day event […]

  • Posted on 23 March 2022
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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The Sonic Logos [SST Research 4.0]

Continuing the series  drafting the theoretical basis of SST Research (see pt. 1, pt. 2, and pt. 3), this blog considers the difference sound makes. It develops the idea of thinking knowledge through sounding – rather than image or text as the conventional metaphors for epistemic knowledge – is a fruitful way of revealing the […]

  • Posted on 2 February 2022
  • by Julian Henriques
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Mapeando a Cultura do Sound System Brasileiro

O Brasil pode reivendicar umas das mais ricas e diversificadas cenas e culturas do SST do mundo. É sobre isso que os nossos projetos planejm pesquisar, em profundidade e em detalhe. Por isso, temos o prazer de publicar, como primeira amostra do que está vindo, esta entrevista com a Dani Pimenta, co-fundadora do coletivo Feminine […]

  • Posted on 26 January 2022
  • by SST Team
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Mapping the Brazilian Sound System Culture

Brazil can lay claim to possibly the richest and most diverse SST scenes and cultures anywhere in the world. Our projects plans to research this is depth and detail. So we are very pleased to publish this interview with Dani Pimenta, co-founder of the Feminine Hi-Fi collective as well as the Mapa Sound System Brazil […]

  • Posted on 26 January 2022
  • by SST Team
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Birth of a New Sonic Body in Hyderabad, India

As a global research project, the SST blog is very pleased to report on emerging sound systems and other SST around the world. This is especially the case in countries where sound system culture is not yet well established – there are very few operating in India. Monkey Sound System intended to have its birthday […]

  • Posted on 6 January 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Black Knowledge [SST Research 3.0]

Continuing the series  drafting the theoretical basis of SST Research (see pt.1 and pt.2), this second part goes into some detail on the nature and characteristics of black knowledge and its production. This identified kinds of knowledge that are situated, embodied and shared. Such ways-of-knowing can be described as vibrational in terms of the standard […]

  • Posted on 2 November 2021
  • by Julian Henriques
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Sounds in the City: Street Technology and Public Space

We are glad to announce the publication of the Sound System Outernational (SSO) guest-edited special issue of the Journal of World Popular Music – Volume 8, Number 1, available here. Edited by SSO team members Brian D’Aquino and Oana Pârvan, the special issue features some of the contributions originally presented during the international symposium ‘SSO#5: […]

  • Posted on 11 October 2021
  • by SST Team
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