Results for Tag #Brazil

Funk: um grito de ousadia e liberdade

A exposição Funk: um grito de ousadia e liberdade visa contextualizar e celebrar a importância do funk brasileiro na história da cultura do Rio de Janeiro e no restante do país, por meio de 900 obras de mais de 100 artistas, a maioria deles ligados às comunidades onde se produz, se toca e se dança […]

  • Posted on 29 April 2024
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Brazilian Funk: A Cry of Boldness and Freedom

Funk: um grito de ousadia e liberdade (‘a cry of boldness and freedom’) exhibition aims to contextualize and celebrate the importance of Brazilian funk in the history of culture in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil at large. The exhibition amounts to 900 pieces of works produced by more than 100 artists, most of them linked […]

  • Posted on 25 April 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Afro-Caribbean-Brazilian fundamentals for a technology of/ for the body

While embodying the idea of ‘modern’ technology due to their state-of-the-art transistor or digital amplifiers and cutting edge speaker boxes design, sonic street technologies also nurture relations with ancestral technologies. During our research we frequently found out that, across the Black diaspora, the sound system in its different types is often compared to the the […]

  • Posted on 3 April 2024
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Sound System Cultures Worldwide Pt.1

The first 2024 blog provides the opportunity to reflect on last year’s achievements and challenges. Starting out on the SST project four years ago we were most familiar with reggae sound systems, based on team members’ research knowledge and experience as owners and MCs. We were only dimly aware of other types of sound system. Now, […]

  • Posted on 16 January 2024
  • by SST Team
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SST Resources: Radiolas in Maranhão, Brazil

Almost three years into the project, our research on the street music technologies of the Global South moves forward at a good pace. To reach the goal of establishing Sonic Street Technologies as a new area of study at the intersection of cultural studies, STS, and popular music studies, scoping out the state of the […]

  • Posted on 6 November 2023
  • by SST Team
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A Tecnologia Musical da Amazônia Urbana

This blog is available in English at this link. Estamos particularmente interessados ​​nos aparelhos móveis usados ​​para tocar música gravada. Este ângulo especificamente tecnológico do projeto SST atravessa os gêneros musicais e geografias que mais frequentemente definem a pesquisa sobre cultura popular. Ele nos permite explorar como diferentes tecnologias estão sendo implantadas para construir comunidades […]

  • Posted on 24 November 2022
  • by Guest Author
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The Music Technology of Urban Amazonia

We are particularly interested in the mobile apparatuses used to play recorded music. This specifically technological angle of the SST project cuts across the music genres and geographies that most often define research on popular culture. It enables us to explore how different technologies are being deployed for building communities and solidarities in different cultures […]

  • Posted on 16 November 2022
  • by Guest Author
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Mapping SST: Classifying Brazilian Funk

One of the Sonic Street Technologies project’s main goals and commitments is to produce a global map of sound systems, sonideros, picós, radiolas and other independent, mobile audio systems playing recorded music. To produce this map, a survey form aimed at SST practitioners has been drafted, not without some difficulty. In order to collect quantitative […]

  • Posted on 29 June 2022
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Mapeando a Cultura do Sound System Brasileiro

O Brasil pode reivendicar umas das mais ricas e diversificadas cenas e culturas do SST do mundo. É sobre isso que os nossos projetos planejm pesquisar, em profundidade e em detalhe. Por isso, temos o prazer de publicar, como primeira amostra do que está vindo, esta entrevista com a Dani Pimenta, co-fundadora do coletivo Feminine […]

  • Posted on 26 January 2022
  • by SST Team
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Mapping the Brazilian Sound System Culture

Brazil can lay claim to possibly the richest and most diverse SST scenes and cultures anywhere in the world. Our projects plans to research this is depth and detail. So we are very pleased to publish this interview with Dani Pimenta, co-founder of the Feminine Hi-Fi collective as well as the Mapa Sound System Brazil […]

  • Posted on 26 January 2022
  • by SST Team
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