Yael Gerson
SST project manager
Yael is the SST project manager based at MCCS in Goldsmiths, University of London. Yael has a wealth of experience managing research projects, having recently completed the Wellcome Trust funded project People Like You. Yael’s previous research experience includes a British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant looking at the impact of the Zapatista movement on indigenous feminism, and independent research work for Smoothmedia, investigating the intersection of society and digital cultures. Yael holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of London. She is a lecturer in gender and digital cultures in the department of Education Studies at Goldsmiths. Yael is currently Head of Programme for the BA in Education Studies.
Selected Publications
Breakfast Clubs Against Racism, Impact data Report, 2022
‘The Accountability Gap’, Lead Researcher(http://smoothmedia.com/project/theaccountabilitygap)
‘Shift2015′, Lead Researcher (http://smoothmedia.com/project/shift-mindshare)
‘Smart Lives’, Researcher (http://smoothmedia.com/project/smart-lives) – 2015
‘Generation Cloud’, Research Assistant (http://smoothmedia.com/project/generation-cloud)
Transnational Activism: Neozapatismo across the border, New Media, and Society (under review)
‘Tu no sabes nada, tu eres mujer’: (re)imagining indigenous feminism through Zapatista Women’s Revolutionary Law, Feminist Theory (under review)
Yael Gerson Ugalde (2008). Nick Henck, Subcommander Marcos: The Man and the Mask Durham, NC, and London, Duke University Press, 2007). [book review]
‘Work/Space: a visual exploration’ Street Signs, CUCR, Goldsmiths, 2009