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Sonic Standardisation

The bespoke, hand-made speaker box is an iconic feature of reggae sound systems. Since the scoop bass bin replaced the quad speaker box in the 1960s there has been comparatively little change in speaker box design. Amplifying however, has gone through several technological revolutions from valves in the early days to the highly efficient and […]

  • Posted on 19 July 2024
  • by Guest Author
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Researching with Purpose in Urabá, Colombia pt.3

Besides screening our films for participants, touring them within the country is also a valuable part of the research process. From an international perspective Columbia or Brazil might appear as a single nation, but of course they are made up of different states, each with their own geographies, climates and music cultures. Great distances and […]

  • Posted on 4 July 2024
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Investigando con proposito en Urabá, Colombia 2

Este blog continúa el informe sobre la investigación de SST en curso en Urabá, Colombia, que también ha sido apoyada por Goldsmiths como un posible candidado en el marco del REF Impact. La producción y encargo de cortometrajes forma parte de la metodología de investigación de SST. De la misma manera, la proyección también puede […]

  • Posted on 27 June 2024
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Researching with Purpose in Urabá, Colombia pt.3

Besides screening our films for participants, touring them within the country is also a valuable part of the research process. From an international perspective Columbia or Brazil might appear as a single nation, but of course they are made up of different states, each with their own geographies, climates and music cultures. Great distances and […]

  • Posted on 4 July 2024
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Investigando con proposito en Urabá, Colombia 2

Este blog continúa el informe sobre la investigación de SST en curso en Urabá, Colombia, que también ha sido apoyada por Goldsmiths como un posible candidado en el marco del REF Impact. La producción y encargo de cortometrajes forma parte de la metodología de investigación de SST. De la misma manera, la proyección también puede […]

  • Posted on 27 June 2024
  • by Brian D'Aquino
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Sonic map

Launched in September 2022, the Sonic Map aims to provide an extensive coverage of different type of sound systems operating across the globe. It focuses on the three main elements which make an SST: the sound technologies employed, the crew which operates them, and the environment in which they operate. It aims to give exposure to the diverse but equally vibrant street sonic cultures, allow comparison between different SST, foster mutual recognition and cross-fertilisation between practitioners and aficionados from different backgrounds, and provide fellow researchers and academic institutions with a glimpse of what is currently happening out on the streets.

The Sonic Map is an open-project which relies on the crucial collaboration of the SST communities involved. If you know, own or operate an SST which is not currently listed on the map, or if you notice some amendments needed in an existing entry, please contribute!

Sonic Street Technologies (SST) is a European Research Council (ERC) funded research project (2021 – 2025)

The project aims to map the distribution and history of these SST worldwide; to investigate the social, economic and cultural conditions from which they are born; and to achieve a deeper understanding of the nature of technology itself and its uses for social and economic progress.